Tilt trailer or Heavy Duty (non-angle iron) Trailer Ramps Needed
Kathy and my trailer is an unsafe mess and I will leave it at that. We are planning to loan our scissor lift to the Field Day effort, but we need someone to help us out with transport. We have a line on a Club member with a standard 20′ trailer, but his ramps are like ours, angle iron. When we got home from FD last year and tried putting 3/4″ plywood on our angle iron ramps, one of the tires on the lift broke through the plywood. It was a precarious setup that required us using a tractor front-end loader to resolve. So, we need some help with suitable transport since I won’t be trailering it there this year.
Does anyone have a tilt trailer that will handle 4000 pounds? That would be one with two axles instead of one. Lacking a tilt trailer what about heavy duty ramps that are not made out of angle iron? A pair of something like these RecPro trailer ramps is along the lines of what we need.
Do you have a little project in your shop or garage where using our scissor lift would be helpful? Great, just bring your tilt trailer out to our place, or we will coordinate you and your ramps being trailered out here, and we will load you right up.
Come get it sometime prior to FD, take it home and use it for your needs. Then take it to FD and help unload it there. Charles will use it for hanging some stuff and to raise some VHF/UHF antennas on conduit (Kathy and I will provide that too.). On Sunday help load it back up and we will coordinate getting it back to our place sometime after that.
Hopefully someone in the Club has a tilt trailer or some heavy duty ramps that are smoothish, as opposed to angle iron ramps. Anybody?